Friday, August 5, 2011

The combination of ibuprofen and famotidine in NSAID therapy

A phase-3 study, Reduce (Registration Endoscopic Study to Determine Ulcer Formation) performed by dr. Michael Weinblatt and colleagues from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, giving the conclusion that the therapeutic use of preparations containing a combination of ibuprofen plus famotidine may decrease the side effects of upper GI in patients who memerlukkan therapy with NSAID class of drugs (Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory Drugs). The results of this study have been presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology.

Therapeutic use of NSAIDs in these patients effectively manage pain in patients. However, administration of NSAIDs can damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, especially in the stomach and upper small intestine. Whereas in the United States, approximately 43 million sufferers of osteoarthritis and rematoidartritis routinely treated with NSAIDs. Damage to the mucosa can lead to the onset of ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Approximately 30% of patients treated with NSAIDs will have gastrointestinal side effects, and on more than
10% had discontinued therapy with NSAIDs. Gastrointestinal side effects due to NSAIDs usually do not show obvious signs, and usually not diagnosed until the patient into the ER (Emergency unti). In particular, 60-80% of gastrointestinal complications caused by NSAIDs occur in the absence of therapy the initial symptoms.

Based on the data that there was provision of high-dose H2 receptor antagonists may provide protection against the incidence of gastrointestinal injury caused by NSAIDs class of drugs. To investigate the effectiveness and safety of combination therapy of NSAIDs plus H2 receptor antagonists on gastrointestinal mucosa, dr. Michael Weinblatt and colleagues conducted a study Reduce.

Reduce research is a study comparing the efficacy and safety of new preparations HZT-501, which contains a combination of ibuprofen 800 mg and 26.6 mg famotidine, with ibuprofen monotherapy. This study is a randomized phase-3 study which lasted 24 weeks, and involved 1533 patients with ages 40 and 80 years are estimated memerlukkan NSAID therapy for at least 6 months. These patients had no history of upper gastrointestinal complications, and were randomly assigned to therapy HZT-501 (n = 1022) or ibuprofen 800 mg (n = 511) (both types of therapy is administered three times daily). Giving aspirin dose = 325 mg daily and oral anticoagulation in patients who memerlukkan allowed in this study. The evaluation performed at week 8, the 16th, and the 24 th.

The results showed that the HZT-501 reduced the incidence of upper gastrointestinal ulcer is better than monotherapy with ibuprofen therapy, both for the overall study population, nor in the subgroup treated with low-dose aspirin. In addition, patients who drop-outs due to side effects was lower in group therapy HZT-501 compared with ibuprofen monotherapy group.

Another researcher, dr. Jay L. Goldstein of the University of Illinois at Chicago, stressed that the results of this study show the benefits of lowered gastric acidity in lowering the incidence of gastric ulcers due to NSAID use. The use of such combination therapy (ibuprofen plus famotidine) can improve patient compliance and improve long-term outcome.

Dr. Michael Schiff of the University of Colorado, in Denver, notes that until now, ibuprofen is one of the many therapies given to patients with artitis, and also other types of pain to another. But the gift is not free from the poor patient compliance because of its effect on digestion. HZT-501 preparations may improve patient compliance and reduce gastrointestinal side effects, such as gastrointestinal bleeding and lower hospitalization rates.

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1 comment:

  1. Famotidine is used to treat stomach ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease .GERD is a condition where the acid in the stomach washes back up into the esophagus. It is also used to treat certain conditions where there is too much acid in the stomach.

