Friday, April 22, 2011

Should you become a lawyer?

A poll in California Lawyer magazine found that 70 percent of lawyers would choose another career if starting again. A poll conducted by Johns Hopkins found that the lawyer has the highest rate among the 104 career depression.
But it turns out college graduates, in droves, kept coming into law school. Why is that? If you're not a man of science, the law appears to offer the clearest path to money and prestige.
How can you predict if you'll be a happy lawyer?

Attorneys · Is generally more happy if it works for a nonprofit organization or government than corporations. The cause is feeling better and shorter hours. The problem is that most prospective lawyers know, so competition for jobs in sectors that fierce. The most successful applicants for the position of their law school graduates designer-label-Harvard, Stanford, etc.
· Most lawyers, especially, during the first years of their practice, spend some time meeting with clients or appear in court. Especially, their painstaking research, write, and review documents in great detail. Do you like and good at the time?
° lawyers who make a lot of money routinely work 60-90 hour weeks, especially during the seven years it takes to make partner. Do you want to do that?
· Your Partner in a law firm's decision does not only depend on the ability of your lawyer, but your rainmaking potential. Are you the type of aggressive and impressive enough to convince corporate clients to hire you over another company's zillions of lawyers vying for their business?
Attorneys · complained of unethical behavior simply by opposing lawyers. Can you withstand pressure without caving? I truly believe that life is not ethically improper. You better be a dishwasher than a crooked lawyer.

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