Mesothelioma Disease hard to know the symptoms, to really know it needs to do a series of medical tests that we believe is true whether the symptoms are symptoms of mesothelioma or not. To be diagnosed by using x-ray and lung function tests that can be known levels of asbestos in the lungs. Usually also be done with CT scans or MRI, so the amount of fluid in the lungs is known. Can also be used a sample of abnormal tissue growth to
ensure the results of the diagnosis.
But apparently now at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth Australia, exactly, has developed a test to diagnose mesothelioma. The tests can be known by looking at the concentration of protein in the blood. Protein in the form of soluble mesothelin-related protein, or SMR. By doing this SMR test can be monitored the development of mesothelioma and can also detect cancer several years earlier.
We all hope, I hope for the future can be found again an easier method for detecting mesothelioma and costs needed to be more affordable.
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