Thursday, June 30, 2011

Acetaminophen Long Term Use of Lower Prostate Cancer Risk

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Use of aspirin and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) long-term, is associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer in some epidemiological studies. Research conducted by Eric Jacobs, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society led the research on long-term use of acetaminophen with prostate cancer incidence in 78,485 men (Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort).
Information obtained by the use of acetaminophen using kuosioner completed at baseline in 1992 and updated using kuosioner follow-up in 1997 and every 2 years thereafter. During follow-up period from 1992

Reduce stroke with olive oil

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A new study states that diets high in olive oil reduce the risk of stroke in older adults. In 7600 elderly adults, consumption of high doses of olive oil at baseline associated with a lower incidence of stroke for the next five years, after researchers controlled for a number of confounding factors, including lifestyle and nutritional factors, risk factors for stroke, and blood fats. Samieri, et al. examined the link between olive oil consumption and incidence of stroke in 7625 people aged 65 years or more. They investigated from the ongoing research that is looking for risk factors for vascular dementia.
At baseline, 1738 patients (22.8%) reported not using olive oil, 3052 (40.0%) reported the use of olive oil in a medium dose, and 2835 (37.2%) reported intensive use of olive oil. Researchers say that the users of olive

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Citicoline Improve Cognitive in Women Health

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Citicoline, a natural substance that is found in brain and liver tissue that has been marketed as a nutritional supplement, improves cognition in healthy women and may have a role in reducing cognitive decline due to natural aging process, this is the latest research results. Citicoline is also expected to increase attention disorders associated with psychiatric disorders, said Erin McGlade, PhD, of the University of Utah Brain Institute, Salt Lake City, who led the study.

In his study, Dr. McGlade and colleagues involving as many as 60 women aged 40 to 60 years and they were screened to exclude psychiatric disorders axis 1 and 2, as well as any cognitive deficits beyond the cognitive

Effect watching television on the health

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Watching television (TV) is prolonged and frequent behavior and pervasive in individuals in industrialized countries and has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality. This was the conclusion of a meta-analysis conducted Grøntved A,. et al., published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2011. In the study mentioned watching television in a long time will increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and risk of death regardless of cause.

Studies conducted by Dr. Grøntved A,. Et al. such, is a meta-analysis of 8 clinical studies collected from the database 1974 to March 2011 without restrictions and by reviewing reference lists of retrieved articles.

Effect of Vitamin D for diabetes

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High levels of vitamin D in the blood appear to be associated with a reduced risk of incident diabetes in people at high risk for this disease, this is according to a recent report, presented Dr. Anastassios G. Pittas and colleagues from the division of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism, the Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts which was presented at the American Diabetes Association 71st Scientific Sessions. According to Drs. Pittas, vitamin D may play a role in improving diabetes by increasing insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity, and most of the evidence focuses on the beneficial effects in pancreatic beta cells.
To determine the relationship between vitamin D status and risk of incident diabetes, the researchers analyzed data from the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), three groups of studies comparing intensive lifestyle

Effects of urinary tract infections in pregnant women

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Women who experience antepartum infection during pregnancy or childbirth, especially urinary tract infections (UTI), will be more likely to have children with asthma, this is according to a study Dr. Charlene Hooper, of Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut is presented at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' (ACOG) 59th Annual Clinical Meeting. In the study reported that an increased risk of asthma in children of women who are undiagnosed infection before delivery.

In this study involving as many as 1428 pregnant women, who then followed the group of their descendants through structured interviews and records until their children reach the age of 6 years. Asthma is defined by

Addition of dexamethasone to antibiotic therapy

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The addition of dexamethasone to antibiotic therapy shortens the duration of inpatient care in hospitals on patients suffering from CAP (community-acquired pneumonia) without interference with the immune system. This finding is the result of random double-blind study with placebo control, performed on 304 patients with CAP (age> 18 years) at two teaching hospitals in the Netherlands - 153 patients in the placebo group and 151 patients in the dexamethasone group (infusion of 5 mg / day ). Therapy given for 4 days from hospitalized

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cefixime is more effective than ciprofloxacin for Urinary Tract Infection Women without complications

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Cefixime is more effective and safer than ciprofloxacin for women with uncomplicated urinary tract infections, this is the result of research presented in the 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). In his research Dr. Evgeny Dovgan from the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Smolensk State Medical Academy, Smolensk, Russia, mentioning that this study aims to compare the efficacy and safety of cefixime and ciprofloxacin antibiotic use short-term (5 days) for the treatment of female urinary tract infection without complications.

Of the total of 104 premenopausal women with symptoms of uncomplicated urinary tract infections were randomly assigned to cefixime 400 mg once daily for 5 days or ciprofloxacin 250 mg/500 mg obtain twice

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Eszopiclone plus escitalopram for Patients Insomnia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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Provision of eszopiclone with escitalopram simultaneously improving the quality of sleep, daily activities, reduce anxiety, improve mood (atmosphere and the feeling) and well tolerated in patients with insomnia and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). This finding is the result of research conducted dr. Mark Pollack and colleagues from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA. The results of this study have also been published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.
Research conducted a double-blind study, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel group, and involved patients aged 18-64 years who meet DSM IV-TR criteria for GAD and insomnia. Patients given 10 mg of

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Preklinis Study: Folate Acid Supplementation Effects on Colorectal Cancer Risk

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In North America, the trend of folic acid exposure during fetal and early infant life showed significant improvement with respect to fortifikasi folic acid, the widespread use of folic acid as a supplement, and an increase in folic acid supplementation around the time of conception. The researchers from the University of Toronto, Canada, led by dr. Sie, to see whether folic acid supplementation associated with decreased colorectal cancer risk. For that, they did a study preklinis, the results published in the journal Gut in 2011.

In the study, a number of female rats are grouped into two categories: control diet group and diet group suplemental (2.5 x control). Diet provided by mating, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. At the time

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) is recommended to Do Before Action Apendektomi

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Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is a sensitive and specific tool and should become standard treatment for the diagnosis of suspected appendicitis in adults, according to an analysis of the use of MDCT studies reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine in June 2011.
 In the study, conducted assessments manfaatdiagnostik MDCT for the diagnosis of suspected acute appendicitis in adults. From studies conducted retrospektf U.S. academic medical centers, found as many as 2871 consecutive adults referred for MDCT performed with suspicion of appendicitis from January 2000 until December 2009. Radiologist who was informed of indications interpreted not focus with

Monday, June 20, 2011

Drug Politerapi Antiepileptik During Pregnancy and Risk of Fetal Malformations

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During pregnancy, drug politerapi antiepileptik (OAE), which includes valproate sustained a risk of malformations in the fetus than politerapi without this drug. This finding is the result of the study dr. Lewis Holmes and colleagues, from MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston, which was published online in mid June 2011 in the Archives of Neurology. During this time, it is known that women who consume more than one type of OAE during pregnancy have a higher risk of having infants with severe congenital malformations, compared to pregnant women who use only one type of OAE. Studies conducted dr. Holmes and his team will further strengthen the evidence of close links politerapi OAE use by pregnant women with the risk of malformations in the fetus. The study, named the North American AED Registry revealed that the risk of malformations increased significantly in

Benefits and Risks Intra-arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma

Intra-arterial chemotherapy for the treatment of retinoblastoma can result in "dramatic response", but also raises the risk of side effects ranging from mild to severe. This finding revealed by dr. Carol Shields and colleagues, from the Wills Eye Institute Philadelphia, published in the Archives of Ophthalmology. In the study, intra-arterial chemotherapy (intra-arterial chemotherapy, IAC) was done in 17 children with retinoblastoma are aged 4 to 74 months. Complete response was found in 14 children and 10 of whom remained free of tumor when performed follow-up a year later.
Successful catheterization in 16 children with retinoblastoma median basal dimension of 20 mm and the average thickness of 9 mm. IAC is actually scheduled for 3 times with an interval of one month, but the researchers decided not to increase the cycles of chemotherapy if the tumor has shown complete regression. IAC is a primary therapy in 12 children, and the eyeball was saved in eight children among them - including all children who are classified as category C or D according to the International Classification of Retinoblastoma (scale categories: A through E; E most severe). Meanwhile, the eyeball is also saved on 2 of 4 children who underwent the IAC as a secondary therapy. Primary tumor regresses post-chemotherapy; basal dimensions shrink 31% and the thickness decreased 56%.
Tumor recurrence occurred in three children only once, each in the form of solid tumor, the seeds of the tumor in subretina (subretinal seeds), and the seeds of the tumor in the anterior chamber or glass body (anterior chamber or vitreous seeds). Enucleation had to be done in six children, external beam radiotherapy twice, and plaque radiotherapy once. Recognized researchers, IAC has a number of advantages over other therapeutic modalities for retinoblastoma cases, partly because the dose is small enough to do one day so enlarge the biological effects at the target location while minimizing toxic effects on other body parts. However, the IAC procedure is technically quite difficult, and children should be watched closely in order to be aware of the possibility of serious side effects. During follow-up period, reported some mild side effects of short duration, covering palpebra edema (in 13 children a month later), blefaroptosis (10 children), and orbital congestion (12 children), all of which recovered within 6 months. More serious side effects of oftalmika artery stenosis (3 cases of permanent, temporary 1 case) and central retinal artery occlusion (two cases of permanent, one temporary).
Researchers recommend that each health care center is working on fluorescein angiography IAC always do first in order to assess ocular blood flow, especially for detecting atrophy of the choroid. The team of researchers themselves have diagnosed five cases of choroid atrophy among patients who participated in this study. "The impact of atrophy of the choroid to the sharpness of vision can be very bad boy. In fact, enucleation should be performed on the eyeball atrophy choroid; if not, the child continues to be blind," said dr. Shields. Not encountered in cases of arterial embolism, metastasis, neurological defects, occlusion of the internal carotid artery or femoral artery, and stroke in children.
Thus, dr. Shields concludes that although retinoblastoma is very responsive to the IAC, the tendency should be wary of the emergence of toxic effects due to exposure to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Therefore, the IAC for retinoblastoma should be considered with caution in certain cases.

Albumin levels is a predictor of nephropathy and cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes

Urinary albumin levels (UAC - Urinary albumin concentration) yan gdiperoleh of random checks can predict the presence of diabetic nephropathy, cardiovascular events, and death, as the ratio of albumin: creatinine (ACR) in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to the results of this study Dr. Luciana V. Viana, who delivered in the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (Endo) in June 2011.
An examination of the urine is done randomly, using urine ACR, become the preferred method for diagnosing the presence of microalbuminuria, which is a risk factor for diabetic nephropathy, cardiovascular disease, and death. Although, several studies have assessed the benefits of using UAC in random urine tests for the

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gefitinib for Lung Cancer Non-Small-Cell

The results of a meta-analysis revealed that oral gefitinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor class of drugs, is effective as first-line therapy in patients living with lung cancer non-small-cell tumor whose cells contain the EGFR mutations (epidermal growth factor receptor). Early treatment with gefitinib produces ORR (objective response rate) and PFS (progression-free survival) is better, as well as the toxicity profile and quality of life, when compared with chemotherapy. The results of Dr.. Geoffrey Y. Ku and colleagues, from Johns Hopkins Singapore International Medical Center, is published online on Lung Cancer in May 2011.

FDA: Antihypertensive Class ARB (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers) are not Increase Cancer Risk

Analysis conducted by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) show that Americans ARB class of antihypertensive drugs (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers) does not cause the incidence of new cancers in patients. This statement was delivered by the U.S. FDA in connection with the results of controversial meta-analysis conducted by dr. Ilke Sipahi and colleagues from University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, which showed that therapy with an ARB can lead to new cancer. The announcement from the FDA regarding the lack of association between cancer therapy with the ARB must clarify this controversial news.

Experimental studies show that the renin angiotensin system, particularly angiotensin receptor type 1 and type 2, associated with cell proliferation, angiogenesis and tumor progression. The results of experimental studies

Try Animal Studies. GSPE (grape seed proanthocyanidin extract) Preventing Doxorubicin Kardiotoksis Effects

Doxorubicin is one of the antitumor chemotherapeutic drug works and has been widely used. However, clinical application is very limited because kardiotoksisitas effects associated with cumulative dose. The mechanism causing such effects are expected kardiotosisitas the process of oxidative stress mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Doxorubicin increases intracellular ROS production that causes significant cell death and decreased redox ratio of reduced glutathione (GSH) / oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential.

Studies in animals try one of them conducted by Yalcin, E. et al have been published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2010 showed that grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE), can reduce the formation of ROS induced by doxorubicin and may protect cardiomyocytes from oxidant injury induced by doxorubicin,

Same with Tamsusolin Silodosin Effective for BPH

Comparative study conducted in Taiwan showed that silodosin improve symptoms of lower urinary tract symptoms (lower urinary tract symptoms, LUTS) that accompany benign prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH) as well as tamsulosin, and even more rarely cause side effects hypotension. As tamsulosin, silodosin is a class of drugs inhibiting alpha-1A-selective adrenoceptors, but higher selectivity. This was revealed by dr. Hong-Jeng Yu and colleagues from the National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, published online in the BJU International in mid-May 2011.

To find out whether a high-receptor selectivity in silodosin actually provide clinical benefit, the research team carry out a randomized double-blind study comparing tamsulosin silodosin in 209 patients with BPH. In the study for 12 weeks, patients were divided into two groups. Silodosin The first group received 4 mg twice daily, while the second group received tamsulosin 0.2 mg once daily (according to recommended doses in

Zinc supplementation may be helpful to Prevent Otitis Media in Children

Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear, usually caused by infection) of people of all ages, but particularly in children. Approximately 164 million people worldwide suffer from hearing loss caused by this condition. Ninety percent were in poor countries. Because zinc supplementation can prevent pneumonia, researchers are also wondering whether zinc can also prevent otitis media.

Zinc is an important micronutrient that plays a role in optimizing the function of the immune system and body strength to resist infection. Some people, especially children in developing countries and poor countries, does not have an adequate intake of zinc from their diet. Researchers therefore conducted a study on the potential role of zinc supplementation in preventing infectious diseases, including middle ear infections.
