Saturday, July 30, 2011

The ratio of sodium and potassium are good for health

Individuals with a ratio of sodium / potassium are lower in their diets have a lower risk of death compared with those with a ratio of sodium / high potassium in the diet significantly due to cardiovascular disorders. This finding was revealed after the patients were followed for 15 years, the results of a study conducted by dr. Yang and colleagues Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2011.

The main implication of the results of these studies is that the composition of these two micronutrients in the
diet should be balanced. People should try to reduce sodium intake, especially by eating less processed foods, but should increase the intake of potassium. This is easily done by eating more fruits, vegetables and dairy products, which are high in potassium and low sodium.

Dr. Yang et al., Examined the ratio of sodium and potassium in the usual intake and in relation to risk of death due to all causes and cardiovascular disorders in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), involving as many as 12,267 adults in the U.S., with the design of cohort studies prospectively.

In the study, found that dietary intake ratio of sodium / potassium of less than one to have protective benefits against health disorders, especially cardiovascular disorders.

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