Honey is food containing various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, dextrin, plant pigments and Aromatic components. Even from the results of expert research Nutrition and food, honey contains a carbohydrate which is highest among other livestock products are milk, eggs, meat, cheese and menterga approximately (82.3% higher) Every 100 grams of pure honey is worth 294 calories or the ratio of 1000 grams of honey pure equivalent to 50 chicken eggs or 5.675 liters of milk or 1680 grams of meat. From the results of a recent study found the substances or compounds that are in honey is very complex, which reached 181 species.
Usefulness of honey has been known since the days of Ancient Egypt. Even Queen Cleopatra has used to maintain health and beauty.
It is also used honey for embalming herb (Embalming) to preserve the mummy of ancient Egyptian kings.
Japanese tradition is to drink honey every night to wake up in a state of fresh and healthy.
One of the unique honey is because honey contains antibiotic substances. This was the result of research Peter C Molan (1992), researchers from the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waikoto, New Zealand. According to Honey proved to contain antibiotic substances active against attack various pathogens that cause disease.
In addition, researchers from the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya in Malaysia, Kamaruddin (1997) also mentions that in the honey contains anti-microbial substances, which can inhibit the disease.
Some infectious diseases by various pathogens that can be prevented and cured by drinking the honey on a regular basis include: upper respiratory tract infections (ARI), cough, fever, wound ulcer disease, gastrointestinal infections, skin diseases.
In addition there is a wrong or mistaken views about the quality of honey. One thinks that the honey that is both a cause explosion when lid is open or not surrounded by ants. Indeed, honey has been damaged fermented by enzymes and leads to the occurrence of gas and alcohol that is why ants would not go near.
Content of Honey:
Honey has a chemical component which has the effect of the acetylcholine koligemik. Acetylcholine serves for blood circulation and blood pressure mengurango. Sugars contained in honey is absorbed directly by the blood to produce energy rapidly when compared with regular sugar.
Besides the high sugar content (fructose 41.0%, glucose 35%, sucrose 1.9%) of honey also contain other components such as pollen and various digestive enzymes. Besides, honey also contains various vitamins
such as vitamins A, B1, B2, minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine salt as well and even radium. Besides honey also contains antibiotics and various organic acids such as malic acid, tartaric, citric, laklat, and oxalate. Because of that honey is extremely high usefulness.
Based on the research and the research performed by experts in the field of Biology, Chemistry and Medicine. honey has turned out that many of the benefits and efficacy for human life, including:
Efficacy and Benefits of Honey:
Honey can be consumed by all levels, from fetus to parents.
1. Fetus: Honey can strengthen weak fetus in the womb (uterus).
2. Pregnant Woman: Honey helps maintain stamina and infant health during pregnancy, and helping high nutrient intake for the healthy growth of the fetus during pregnancy
3. Babies: Helping baby's brain development, because every day the brain continues to develop until the age of 5 years. For that he needed a high nutrition. Growth and brain development is strongly associated with the intelligence of the mind (IQ) and mental intelligence (EQ). It can be seen today a variety of additional food products either milk or formulated infant porridge with honey as Dancow, Frisian Flag, Sustagen, etc. For that why do not we just give to our baby the best, namely honey.
4. Children: helping to increased appetite (the elements of a complete vitamin B in honey), so that children grow up healthy, lively and carefree and disease resistant.
5. Teens: Usefulness of honey on baligh puberty teens grow very fast, good nutrition and regular will make the growth of the body to be perfect.
6. Adults: Level of fatigue and stress lead to work piling up so that the body becomes weak and susceptible to disease. In this case the factory workers who worked hard all day (long shift) without adequate nutrients such as thypus prone to contract the disease, inflammation, and other bacterial infections in this case Honey is the best supplementary food.
7. Seniors: Honey is the best food that is necessary for the elderly, because honey is a source of energy and nutrients can be absorbed directly by the body, which at that age our digestive organs have started to decrease function (Health 2001).
Traditional Recipes Honey:
1. Hair loss
People who experience hair loss or baldness can use a mixture of hot olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Apply on the head and let stand for about 15 minutes afterwards washed. The study also proves that silenced herb head for 5 minutes was still effective.
2. Bladder Infection
Combine 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey into a glass of lukewarm water. After that drink. This ingredient kills germs in the bladder.
3. Toothache
Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey.
4. Cholesterol
Blood cholesterol levels can be lowered with 2 tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed in 16 ounces (16 times the 28 grams of approximately 1 pound = 454 grams) of tea. This herb can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood to 10 percent in 2 hours. Pure honey taken daily alleviate cholesterol disorders.
5. Cold
Mild and severe cold can be cured with 1 tablespoon lukewarm honey and ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This herb can cure almost all chronic coughs and colds and clear the sinuses.
6. Barren
Greek Medicine and Ayurveda have been using honey for years to strengthen the semen (sperm = sperm) of the men. Two tablespoons of honey taken regularly before bed will affect fertilize. Women of Japan, China and East Asia a difficult pregnancy and want to strengthen the uterus, usually taking cinnamon powder for centuries ago.
Women who are pregnant should frequently difficult to put a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder on his gums. Cinnamon gets mixed with saliva and enters the body. There are a couple from Maryland did not have children for 14 years and almost desperate. When knowing the efficacy of cinnamon and honey, they consume these ingredients. The wife began to conceive and give birth to twins.
7. Stomach ache
Honey mixed with cinnamon powder to treat stomach aches. Can also clean the stomach, as well as heal boils down to the roots.
8. Bloating
Research conducted in India and Japan have said that if honey is taken with cinnamon can reduce flatulence.
9. Breath odor
A teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water can make the breath stays fresh all day. People of South America used to drink the potion in the morning.
10. Sinus headache
Drinking a mixture of honey and orange juice can cure sinus headaches.
11. Fatigue
A recent study showed that the sugar content in honey is more helpful than losing out to the body. Senior citizens who take honey and cinnamon powder with the size of the same, proven to be more fit and flexible. Research Dr. Milton proved ½ tablespoons of honey taken with a glass of water and sprinkled with cinnamon powder to increase the Vitali-body bag in a week. Potion is drunk every day after brushing your teeth and 3 pm when the vitality of the body decreases.
12. Cancer
Recent research in Japan and Australia showed that stomach cancer and advanced stages of bone can be cured by honey and cinnamon. Patients simply drink a tablespoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month 3 times a day.
13. Overweight
Drink a glass of boiled water with honey and cinnamon powder every morning ½ hour before breakfast or when stomach is empty. When done regularly can reduce weight, even for people who are very obese, drink this potion on a regular basis will prevent the fat accumulates in the body, although still eating high calorie foods.
14. Influenza
Spanish scientists have proved that honey contains a natural ingredient which kills influenza germs and cure the patient from flu. Then drink honey when the flu.
15. Pimple
Spread 3 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on your face before bed. Rinse with warm water next morning. When done regularly every day for two weeks, pimples will heal up by the roots.
16. Dermatitis
Take one part honey and 1 part cinnamon powder, apply on the skin of the sick.
17. Prevent aging
Tea mixed with honey and cinnamon powder and drink each day can prevent aging. Take 4 spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and then boiled like making tea. Drink as much as 4 times a day. This ingredient makes the skin fresh and smooth and prevent aging. Life expectancy also increased
18. Arthritis (arthritis / Gout)
Take one part honey and 2 parts lukewarm water. Add 1 small teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Combine honey, water lukewarm and cinnamon powder. Massage into the affected part gently. The pain will be reduced within 1-2 minutes. Or arthritis patients may drink a cup of hot water with 2 tablespoons of honey and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder every day, morning and night.
When taken regularly, this herb can cure chronic arthritis. Copenhagen University Recent research using a mixture of 1 tablespoon honey and ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder administered to patients before breakfast. The results of the week 73 of 200 treated patients recovered. Most patients who can not walk or move because of arthritis can walk without pain.
19. Heart disease
Apply honey and cinnamon powder on bread at breakfast time each day. Honey and cinnamon to reduce cholesterol in the arteries, and reduce the risk of heart attack. People who already had a heart attack when taking honey and cinnamon each day can prevent a second heart attack.
Consumption of honey and cinnamon on a regular basis to facilitate breathing and strengthens the heartbeat. Nursing homes (homes) in the United States and Canada, successfully treat the residents who have the disorder because of clogged blood vessels, and reduced flexibility because of age, with these ingredients.
For people who rarely drink honey reactions / side effects that generally happen is diarrhea, but this will disappear by itself. Many people who take honey when sick. But did not prevent cheaper than cure, much less under the current monetary crisis, amid hospital and drug costs are increasing soared.
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