A man is more difficult to see a doctor than women. And if a man regularly went to the doctor then some dangerous diseases can be detected early, including one cancer. The sooner known to the possibility of treatment and cure of cancer patients will be even greater.
Not all cancers will be dangerous though to give specific symptoms, but there are some symptoms that warrant concern that men can lead to cancer. Although it is not certain cancers but could at least be encouraged to come to the doctor.
There are several symptoms of cancer that should not be ignored by men, namely:
Lumps in the breast
Every man anyone would not be expected to suffer from breast cancer. Although not common, but the
possibility of male breast cancer remains. Therefore if there are bumps that appear in the breast should be immediately sent to the doctor much less accompanied by changes in the skin on the breast, the nipple a contract, redness and discharge is not normal.Painful
Pain is the most common complaints experienced by humans with age. Although not all pain leads to the emergence of cancer pain but if there is no apparent reason then it should not be ignored.
Changes in the testes (testicles)
Testicular cancer is more upon men aged between 20 to 39 years. At that age, if possible, do the examination of the testes to the doctor regularly. But if you do not have the time, the examination can be done alone at home. Any changes in the testes either enlarged or shrunk warrant concern as a symptom of cancer. And when this happens, immediately to the doctor to do a more complete examination. Some testicular cancers progress very rapidly from phase 0 up to a critical phase, so the earlier the unknown will be more easily treated.
Changes in the lymph nodes
If you feel a lump or swelling in the lymph nodes in the armpit, neck or other body part, you must be vigilant and immediately to the doctor. Moreover, the magnifying take place very quickly and is more than a month.
If you have a fever without knowing the cause is unclear, it could be the one of the symptoms of cancer or symptoms of pneumonia should get immediate treatment. Most of the cancer will cause a fever, especially after cancer cells spread to other body organs. Fever also often occur in cancers involving the blood cells such as lymphoma or leukemia.
Weight loss
If we have a fat body, but then declined drastically in a short time without us deliberately to lower it, then do not like it, it could be a symptom of cancer. Men who lost weight more than 10% within a relatively short period should see a doctor immediately.
Weak or less powerful in men is a symptom that can lead to cancer. As with fever, weakness also occurs when cancer cells have spread throughout the body. Except in leukemia and colon cancer, fatigue may occur at an early stage.
Cough long
Cough is a symptom that often, especially when we experience a fever, flu or allergies. Cough can also occur as a side effect of a drug. However if the cough lasts longer especially over 4 weeks, should not be ignored. Coughing can be a long time as a symptom of cancer or tuberculosis infections and chronic bronchitis.
It is hard to swallow
Men who have difficulty swallowing often ignore it and get used to living with such conditions. Though swallowing disorders can be a symptom of cancer of the digestive tract such as cancer of the esophagus.
Bleeding for no apparent reason
Every time you experience bleeding for no apparent reason then you should immediately see a doctor. Coughing up blood, dysentery, blood urine are some examples of what you need to be aware of bleeding. Dysentery in addition to symptoms of hemorrhoids or ambient can also be a symptom of colon cancer.
Changes in the mouth
If you smoke or tobacco smoke, you should be wary if there are white patches in your mouth or your tongue. Spotting was known as leukoplakia, which is the initial symptom of oral cancer.
Urination problems
Urination problems have become commonplace as we age. In men, urination problems are fairly frequent urination or difficulty urinating is not complete. When this condition is worsening day by day, it helps you get to the doctor. Impaired urination is a symptom that often occurs in prostate cancer or bladder cancer.
Digestive problems
Do not take for granted if you have indigestion. Get to the doctor because in addition caused by infection, digestive disorders could also be because of cancer of the esophagus, stomach or other parts of the digestive system.
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