Monday, July 4, 2011

What is anorexia

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Anorexia or full-called anorexia nervosa is a potentially life-threatening disorder caused by famine and drastic weight loss. Diagnosis be established if a person loses at least 15% of normal or ideal body weight. Extreme weight loss in people with anorexia are very dangerous for your health and can even be deadly.
The term anorexia literally means loss of appetite. This definition is a bit misleading because people with anorexia actually feel hungry but refuses to eat. People with anorexia are very afraid of getting fat even they
still see themselves fat when it was very thin. They will refuse to eat and doing excessive exercise to lose weight.
Anyone who may have anorexia?
Eating disorders like anorexia commonly experienced by women, especially those who work as actors, models, dancers and athletes. They are generally afraid to look fat due to the demands of the profession are more concerned with the appearance of the body.
People with anorexia looks very well in school, sports, work and other activities. They look with obsessive perfectionist, anxious or depressive symptoms. Anorexia begins at puberty and can appear at any time.
What is the cause of anorexia?
The exact cause of anorexia is still unknown but allegedly due to a combination of personal character, emotion, and thought patterns. Biological and environmental factors also play a role important for the occurrence of anorexia.
Anorexics often use eating and food as a way to "escape" from the stress they feel. Feelings of inferiority, anxiety, anger, always short, loneliness also contributed to the occurrence of anorexia. Those who have feeding problems generally have had a bad history in relationships of friendship or romance that is never dicampakan due to obesity. Pressure from friends and the neighborhood that looked slim and pretty physically go fishing person experiencing anorexia.
Eating disorders are also caused by physical problems. Hormonal changes that control mood problems, appetite, thought and memory supposedly played for the occurrence of eating disorders. Anorexics often come from families in which one of its members also suffered from anorexia so that genetic factors also play a role.
What are the symptoms of anorexia?
Symptoms of anorexia include:
    Losing weight very rapidly within a few weeks or months.
    Continue to restrict the canal eating / diet even though it was thin.
    Have an unusual attraction to a food, calories, nutrition or cooking.
    Very frightened when the weight increases.
    Have a strange eating habits tend to be even a secret.
    Fear of fat though it was very thin.
    Not able to realistically assess against a person's weight.
    Want to always look perfect and like to criticize yourself.
    Confidence is strongly influenced by body weight and body shape.
    Depression, anxiety and irritability.
    Menstrual cycles are irregular and do not even menstruation in women.
    Diuresis using drugs, laxatives and diet pills.
    Frequently ill.
    Using a loose-fitting clothing to cover the thin body.
    Excessive exercise.
    Feeling useless and hopeless.
    Physical disorders such as not strong in cold weather, anemia, and others.

If not addressed, anorexia can cause:
    Damage to organs especially the heart, brain and kidneys.
    Decrease in blood pressure, pulse and breathing frequency.
    Hair loss.
    An irregular heartbeat.
    Impaired fluid and electrolyte balance of the body.
    Deaths from starvation or suicide.
How to diagnose anorexia?
Identifying anorexia requires its own challenges. Secrecy, shame and refused to say the disorder is a challenge. This causes anorexia is difficult to detect new and unknown after a prolonged period of time.
Once symptoms appear, the doctor will perform a series of physical examinations and investigations to establish the diagnosis of anorexia. Although specific laboratory tests for anorexia but doctors still do not have to do some tests to examine the possibility of a physical disorder that has occurred due to anorexia.
If no physical illness, the doctor will advise the patient to a psychiatrist for anorexia to overcome the mental problems that occur.
How to treat anorexia?
Emergency care on the condition of anorexia is required if there is severe dehydration, malnutrition, kidney failure and irregular heartbeat a life-threatening.

Emergency or not, the treatment of anorexia requires a challenge due to the patient refused to be having problems. Like other eating disorders, anorexia requires a comprehensive treatment to determine the requirements of each patient.
The goal of treatment is to return the weight to a healthy position, cope with emotional problems, improve thinking and keeping the changes take place continuously. Treatment often combine psychotherapy and drugs.
Is anorexia could be prevented?
Although it is very difficult to prevent all cases of anorexia but once symptoms appear early treatment helps patients fall into more severe conditions. Early education about healthy habits and a positive outlook towards food as well as the appearance also helps prevent a more severe state of eating disorders.

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