Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Effect of folic acid supplementation in adolescent

Elevated levels of plasma total homocysteine ​​(tyHcy) and inadequate folate status is particularly vulnerable to the teenagers. Folate status and homocysteine ​​metabolism related to cognitive function, but the relationship between folate status and homocysteine ​​metabolism in terms of academic achievement by teenage children have not been investigated previously.

With a background like the one above problems, a study conducted to assess whether there is a link between academic achievement in adolescents with elevated total plasma homocysteine, folate intake in dier, MTHFR 677 TT homozygosity and socioeconomic status. Research conducted by Nilsson TK., And team and published in the journal Pediatrics, involved 386 children in Swedish adolescents aged 15 years. Teenagers
are measured in total plasma homocysteine ​​levels and MTHFR 677C. The number of grades in 10 core subjects obtained in the final semester of the ninth school year is used as a measure of academic achievement. Lifestyle and socioeconomic data on the status obtained through the questions in the questionnaire.

Strong academic achievement associated with tertile of total plasma homocysteine ​​levels (negatively; p = 0.023) and tertile of folate intake (Positively, p <0.001). Other significant predictors were gender, smoking and socioeconomic status (represented by the school, maternal education, and income of the father). When these things are controlled, tertil folate intake (p <0.002) but not tertile of total plasma homocysteine ​​levels (p = 0.523) or MTHFR genotype remained significantly associated with academic achievement.

So it can be concluded that the intake of folate had a positive association with academic achievement in children adolescents berusis 15 years, and is not associated with socioeconomic status or the MTHFR 677 TT homozygosity. The results provide new information that the scrutiny will folate status in children and adolescents is essential. The research also has direct implications for the determination of school snacks, teaching curriculum in schools and information for parents.

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